Nvidia 16-pin power connector melting issue isolated with lab results.
Nvidia has chosen to go with a new power connector for at least the RTX 4090 and 4080 series of video cards. The bad news is that some users have experience these connectors melting resulting in damaged power connectors and video cards. By the numbers, this has occurred far less than on 1% of users.
Nvidia has not said much about the issue and the internet has been full of opinions. Good news is that Gamers Nexus (GN) has put an incredible amount of work to isolate the issue. With lab data including X-Ray images, it seems GN is correct with the information shared in their video.
Please watch their video and give it a thumbs up. The most likely cause seems to just be that people have not inserted the connector in all the way. There are some other factors to consider but ultimately if you insert the connector ALL the way in, you should be ok.